Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, ranked

Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_Logo Hi, my name is Drew and I am a freshly crowned Marvel comics geek (since October last year). I am going to rank the MCU movies from worst to best. Keep in mind that I LOVE THEM ALL!!! I'm just ranking them by how much I love them.

13. Iron Man

I know, normally this movie is everyone's favorite, but I don't really like the Iron Man movies in any particular way more than the others. It could be because I don't particularly like violence and this is definitely the most brutal of the bunch. On the bright side, this movie begins the MCU with some great characters including Tony, Pepper, and even Agent Coulson, who I like even more now that I finally started watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

12. Iron Man 2

Really underappreciated. I can't think of a single reason why this is the worst-reviewed MCU movie, except for maybe a cliche villain. On the other hand, this movie continues the Iron Man movies trend of being incredibly violent, the main reason I don't like them as much as the others. Oh, and this Rhodey is way better.

11. Iron Man 3

Definitely my favorite Iron Man movie. The humor is great, all the different Iron Man armors are awesome, and unlike most people, I actually like that Killian got his butt kicked by a female. My only complaint is that AGAIN WITH THE VIOLENCE!

10. Thor: The Dark World

As I write this, I suddenly realized that this is the one movie in the MCU that is a sequel not as good as the first. The beginning is good, the end is good, but the middle is kinda... mleah. Don't get me wrong. This isn't a bad movie. It's just not as good as the first.

9. The Incredible Hulk

One of the most underappreciated movies of all time, right next to the new Ninja Turtles movie (Yes, I liked it). I got a much better Hulk experience than in the Avengers movies (which were still better for other reasons). I was seriously expecting this movie to be a lot worse than it actually was.

8. Thor

The gods of Norse mythology and Marvel Comics were portrayed wonderfully in this movie. I like the modern sci-fi elements, like the Bifrost being a wormhole or Yggdrasil being a cosmic nebula. And unlike most people, I think Thor and Jane make a good couple.

7. Captain America: The First Avenger

I really liked this way to introduce Captain America into the MCU. Very different from the WWII-era Timely Comics. My favorite change was making Bucky, instead of Cap's teenage sidekick, his best friend that everyone knocks Cap over on the way to see.

6. The Avengers

Yes, I know it's supposed to be #1 or #2, but sixth place isn't bad. It's very different from the origin of the Avengers in the sixties comics, which I just read. Also, Thanos's cameo in this is perfect, setting up INFINITY WAR!

5. Ant-Man

Yes, I like this better than The Avengers. Sue Me. The humor in this was great, and I really like the effects of the shrinking and growing. And, Cassie is adorable. And the showdown between Ant-Man and Falcon was awesome.

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron

I actually liked this better than the first . The twins were awesome, Ultron was horrifying, and I only have one complaint. And, that would be that THEY KILLED QUICKSILVER IN HIS FIRST APPEARANCE THAT WASN'T A POST-CREDIT SCENE AND HE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL AND HE WAS HILARIOUS AND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH SMASH!... so, yeah.

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

I'm sure someone is gonna go and say, "Hey, I only like serious stuff, blah, blah, blah!" But, deep down inside, we're all suckers for goofy, heartfelt movies like this. Oh, and Star-Lord was perfectly cast from my personal favorite movie of all time, The Lego Movie!

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This movie was my favorite until May 6. This movie sent ripples through the MCU and my brain's awesomeness center. I don't have a single bad thing to say about this movie.

1. Captain America: Civil War

Mission report. May 6, 2016. Mission report. AWESOMENESS! What you'll want to hear is the newcomers. A total of eight new characters were adopted into this movie, but you'd be thinking of Spider-Man and Black Panther. They're AWESOME. I didn't want to put this on top just because it's the newest, but it's the newest and the best.

Bye, everyone!


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