The Majestic Tales III: How DC Got Its Groove Back

Welcome, one and all, to the third season of The Majestic Tales! Tomorrow I'm going to be doing a presentation at the RHC on the future of DC Studios (I intend to upload a blog post version of the presentation sometime in the next couple of weeks on the off chance someone important reads me [Update: Now available!]), and while there will be a brief recap at the start, I made a nine-part musical recap to astound and inform you all (and to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Arrow episode "Three Ghosts", which was not the first appearance of the Speed Force in live-action, but it was the first time it was rendered with actual CGI, rather than just sped-up footage of John Wesley Shipp, to quote Joe West, "waddl[ing], like a lame-ass duck"), featuring the music of Hadestown.

(Please note that the videos are arranged in order of the films' release dates, not the order the songs play in the musical, so don't think too hard about how the songs relate to each other, just to the videos.)

(As usual, please turn off the auto-generated subtitles, because I'm too lazy to figure out how to do it myself)

(I know I'm abusing parentheses at this point, but part of the first video and the entirety of the last two videos are in a somewhat different aspect ratio than the rest of the series, because the software I previously used stopped working and I didn't have time to find a new one that matched exactly. Maybe some time in the future I'll come back with a better software, but I was on a deadline. UPDATE: It looks like DC might be throwing out the best thing about The Flash, so I hereby declare I will find and, if necessary, buy the software needed to fix the offending videos if, and only if, they don't throw out one of the main reasons I cared enough to make them.)

The Two Worst Non-Chibnall-Related Hours of Human History

Trial Run

Interlude 1: The Way the World Could Be

[A note for parents, older siblings, and other caretakers of younger children: Unlike the other videos here,* "Interlude 1: The Way the World Could Be" includes, almost exclusively, footage from an R-rated film that has a lot of extremely brutal violence. As a result, I'd recommend you watch it yourself before deciding how much of it to share with anyone under fifteen.)

Fast Enough

[Warning: "Fast Enough" contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash!!!!!!]
[Note: Obviously, it would be best if we could include clips from all of the previous versions of the story, but unfortunately, you can't make a clip of a comic book]

Was That TODAY?

[Warning: "Was That TODAY?" contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash!!!!!!]

Interlude 2: A Tale of a Love From REALLY Long Ago

[Warning: "Interlude 2: A Tale of a Love From REALLY Long Ago" contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash!!!!!!]
[Note: I think this video turned out pretty well, but it would've been way better if Batman '89 had been a film]

Worlds' Finest

[Warning: "Worlds' Finest" contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash!!!!!!]

Zero Hour

[Warning: "Zero Hour" contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash!!!!!!]

Third Act Problems

[Warning: "Third Act Problems" contains MAJOR SPOILERS for The Flash!!!!!!]
[Note: See "Fast Enough" note]

*Techically, "Trial Run" mixes footage from the PG-13-rated theatrical cut and the R-rated director's cut of Justice League, but the latter is only rated R because some idiot at the MPAA decided that using the word "fuck" more than once was just as dangerous for children as ALL OF THE MURDERS in The Suicide Squad.

Video credit: DC Studios/Warner Bros. Discovery
Music and lyrics to Hadestown from Sing It Again, LLC


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