Upcoming Marvel and DC Movies

Third Millennium
21st Century

Summer 2017

Wonder Woman

Likely to be the first well-received DCEU movie, it is set during WWI, when Diana, Princess of the Amazons (aka Wonder Woman) has her life turned upside down when Steven Trevor, an American pilot, crashes on her home island of Themyscara​.  Wonder Woman is set to come out June 2nd.  Oh, and it’s the first theatrical female superhero movie!  YAAAY!

Spider-Man: Homecoming

If, like me, you thought Spidey’s introduction to the MCU in Cap 3 was ridiculously hilarious, you’ll be excited to know his solo adventure is happening July 7, only 2 months after GOTG2.  The movie will center on Spidey trying to balance being a teenager with being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.  He also has to deal with the threat of the Vulture.

Fall 2017
November 2017


There will indeed be a third Thor movie, and there’s a twist: THE HULK!  Due to release on November 3, the film will see Thor stranded on Sakaar, home of the Sakaarans from GOTG, without his hammer, pitted against the Hulk in the gladiator match to end all gladiator matches. Let that sink in.

Justice League

The Justice League is headed to the big screen.  Taking place after BvS, Batman and Wonder Woman will be assembling a team of heroes to take on Steppenwolf.  Google him.  (Seriously.  Do it.  Then tell me what you learned, ‘cause I have no idea who that is, and I’m taking some time off the internet [I’m actually writing this down on paper]).  The team will include the aforementioned Batman and Wonder Woman, Superman (you didn’t actually think they’d keep him dead, did you?), Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg.  It will come out November 14th.

Winter 2018

Black Panther

After clawing his way into the MCU in Cap 3, Black Panther will be getting a solo adventure on February 16, ‘8.  We don’t know much about it except it will take place after Cap 3 and lots (and I mean lots) of actors have been cast in undisclosed roles and there isn’t even a trailer yet.  Also, it’s the first people of color led superhero movie (Yay!).

Spring 2018

New Mutants
Set for release April 13, ‘8, the first of 3 X-Men-related movies that year, this movie is set to feature Magik, Wolfsbane, Mirage, Cannonball, Sunspot, Warlock, Professor X, Lockheed, and Demon Bear.  I know who maybe a third of those are.

Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos, who has been pulling the strings since the beginning of the MCU, will steal the Tesseract, the gem in Vision’s head, the Aether, the Orb, the Eye of Agomotto, and one other, as-of-yet unidentified object of unlimited power, and finally get off his cosmic butt.  It will take the combined efforts of Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Steve Rogers, the rest of the Avengers, the GOTG, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel to save not just the city, not just the world, not just the galaxy, but the entire cosmos.  It will be released May 4, ‘8.

Summer 2018

Deadpool 2
On June 1, ‘8, Deadpool will return.  Domino and Cable have already been cast, and Deadpool (Duh), Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Dopinder will be returning.  

Ant-Man and The Wasp
Ants have longer lifespans than we thought...Ant-Man is back!  The sequel, taking place after Cap 3, has been filming under the title “Cherry Blue.”  This is just speculation, but if you’ve read the MCU tie-in comic Fury’s Big Week, you’ll know Samuel Sterns, the crazy scientist from The Incredible Hulk, was taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D. and codenamed “Project Mr. Blue.”  Also, both Ant-Men, Hope, and Luis will all be returning.  It will be released July 6, ‘8.

Fall 2018

Untitled Venom Movie
A standalone Venom movie will be released October 5, ‘8.  Sony intends it to be the first in a shared universe, which has me like, "Wait, What?"  

Dark Phoenix
A Dark Phoenix movie will be released November 2, ‘8.  That’s, like, all we know.

Winter 2018
December 2018
Week of December 16 - 22, 2018
December 21, 2018


An Aquaman film, set after Justice League, will be released December 21, ‘8.  Black Manta will be the villain.  Mera, Nuidis Vulko (whoever that is), Ocean Master, Queen Atlanna (Who?), and someone named King Nereus are also confirmed to appear.

Animated Spider-Man
An animated film based on Miles Morales will be released the same day as the Aquaman movie.  (Mind blown.)


Shazam! will be released sometime in ‘9.  Black Adam will appear as an antihero.

Spring 2019

Captain Marvel

A Captain Marvel film comes out March 28, ‘9.

Avengers 4
An untitled fourth Avengers film will be released May 3, ‘9.  Most of the cast of Infinity War are set to reprise their roles, but not much else is known.
                                                                  Summer 2019

Spider-Man: Homecoming 2
After positive response to the trailer for the Spider-Man movie, Sony and Marvel scheduled a sequel for July 5, ‘9.  (Translation: they always wanted to make a second movie, but after the first trailer received positive response, they used that as an excuse.)  It has been said that the Spider-Man movies may follow a similar arc to the Harry Potter movies, with each movie being a school year.

Spring 2020

After Justice League, Cyborg will get his own solo movie in the DCEU.  April 3, ‘20.

Untitled MCU Movies

May 1, ‘20
July 10, ‘20
November 6, ‘20

Summer 2020

Green Lantern Corps
It will be set in the DCEU, with no connection to the 2011 Green Lantern movie.  There will likely be some sort of set-up or cameo in one of the two Justice League movies.

Unknown Date

Would be set in the X-Men universe.  They’ve cast him and everything, but it’s been delayed so many times, I’m starting to doubt it’ll ever happen.

Deadpool 3
Said to feature the X-Force.

The Flash
I don’t really have anything to say about this one.  All we know is that it’s in development.

Untitled Justice League Sequel
Will have Darkseid as the villain.

Justice League Dark
Will focus on some of the supernatural antiheroes of the DC universe, including Deadman, Constantine, and a few others.

The Batman
Will be set in the DCEU.   Mostly what has happened, that we know of, is just a lot of different directors have left.

Gotham City Sirens
Will have Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad with some other DC female villains.

Untitled Man of Steel Sequel
I don’t really have anything to say about this one.  All we know is that it’s in development.

Untitled Suicide Squad Sequel
The director is pushing for it to be rated R.  (I think it’s the director…)

Black Adam
With the same actor of Black Adam as in the Shazam! movie.

I don’t really have anything to say about this one.  All we know is that it’s in development.

I don’t really have anything to say about this one.  All we know is that it’s in development.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The director and producer from the first two will be returning and it will be set after Avengers 3 and 4.


  1. What an interesting and exhaustive list! You certainly provide lots to anticipate for fans of this genre. Looking forward to you reviews!

  2. Hey Drew. I'm a Dad with kids 15 (girl) and 11 (boy). Where would you recommend both (separate posts) start in the comic sphere?

    1. For the 15-year-old, let's see... I don't know a lot of 15-year-olds... is seeing R-rated movies something she would do? Because everyone who has seen the newest Wolverine movie, which is rated R, has told me it's, like, the greatest thing ever. For the 11-year-old, when I was ten, I got into the genre by seeing the most recent movie, so here are the most recent 3: Doctor Strange (probably the best choice overall, but kinda sad), the aforementioned Wolverine movie (like I said, it's rated R, so probably no), and Lego Batman Movie (very kid-friendly, but not that relevant to the genre as a whole). Hope this helps!

    2. My good friend Nate always pointed to Wolverine. This is where I (and my kids) will start. Thank you.

    3. Okay, but keep in mind that for the 11-year-old, you should probably look to the older Wolverine movies.

  3. Very thorough. I'll admit that while I'm mostly looking forward to the marvel films (especially Ragnarok), I'm really looking forward to Wonder Woman. The trailers have been great

  4. Can't wait for Panther & Aquaman!!


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