Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Ideas and Predictions

You probably know that after the long-awaited 7th Star Wars film was released two years ago to universal acclaim, a sequel is coming out later this week. (As I am writing this, my brain explodes at the thought that we are less than a week away!) In anticipation of the movie release, here are some ideas I have for the movie as well as a prediction.

IDEA: Rey could be a Gray Jedi

If you have been spending any time online the past few months reading about Star Wars, you have probably heard the rumors that Rey could be a Gray Jedi. What is a Gray Jedi, you ask? Good question, and one I had to look up myself, to be honest. There are plenty of stories of the post-Return of the Jedi adventures of Han, Luke and Leah, which do not mesh with the new movies. After Disney bought Star Wars in late 2012, they decided to ignore, going forward (retcon), everything except the 6 previous films and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated film and television series. Among these now nonsensical stories is the story of the Gray Jedi, a Force wielder who uses both the light and the dark side (essentially the good and evil aspects of The Force) interchangeably.

There are a few reasons why Rey could be a Gray Jedi. First, we have already seen the concept of a middleman (like Gray Jedi) in the new stories including the animated Star Wars: Rebels, with the Bendu, an alien being who proclaims himself "the one in the middle." Second, in the first trailer (see below), when Luke asks Rey to close her eyes and to see what she sees, she says she sees the light, the dark, and a balance. Third, last year, there was an announcement that Rogue One would feature more of a gray area than the original trilogy. This was explored in Rogue One, and there is no reason to think it won't be featured in The Last Jedi.

For what it's worth, Kylo Ren could also be a Gray Jedi. Kylo has had a lot of conflict, and I find it hard to believe that he will stay 100% evil, even though that whole idea of pure redemption has been done to death. Another possible scenario has Kylo and Rey joining together and both becoming Gray Jedi.

PREDICTION:Porgs are related to other furry creatures in the Star Wars universe

I also had this silly thought that Porgs could be baby Wookiees or Ewoks or other furry creature from the Star Wars universe. Hey, as seen in the second trailer (see below) they can do the howl, right?

IDEA: A sleeping potion

I had this thought that the minerals on Crait, the planet with the salt flats where they dig up the mysterious red stuff, could be like the Draught of Living Death from Harry Potter, an incredibly powerful sleeping potion. This would mean that the people flying in the resistance ships would be in a suicide run where they dig up a sleeping potion, smother their ships in it, and crash into the AT-ATs.

In conclusion, I am SOOOOOOO HYPED for this movie!



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