Next LEGO game idea

I have been playing video games a lot lately. I have especially enjoyed LEGO games on the PS4, and have an idea for what a future LEGO game could be.

The game starts with developing a minifigure of yourself. After that, you would be dropped into a nerd/pop culture/geek hangout room with lots of books, games, movies, computers, etc. Your  character could engage with any of the forms of media and would then be transported into a gaming level based on the world of the chosen media.

For example, in real life, I have an Aesop's Fables book on my bookshelf. So, in the game, if my character picked up that book, I would begin a gaming level based on the world of Aesop's Fables. In real life, next to that book, I have a book about Harry Potter. So, again, in the game, after completing one or more levels of Aesop's Fables, I could return to my hangout room, pick up the Harry Potter book, and be transported to a Harry Potter level. After completing one or more levels of Harry Potter, I would unlock the ability to bring Aesop's Fables characters and Harry Potter characters together into each others' worlds.

From there, I might return to the hangout room and watch a movie, say The Incredibles. After completing one or more levels of The Incredibles, I could then bring those characters together with the characters I had previously unlocked and joined together in each others' worlds. And so on and so on....

Here are some other ideas that could be incorporated into the game:
  • Previous LEGO games have been either one or two players at a time, but as long as I am dreaming, I might as well suggest that this game allows up to 4 players, the maximum for PS4. 
  • The character customization system would be updated with the ability to change your body type. For instance, you could change yourself from a normal-sized human to a Hulk-type character or an animal or any other type of character. 
  • You would also be able to choose your idle animations and your interaction animations based on picking from those that are used for pre-built characters in the game. For instance, a pre-built fast character, aside from the ability to run fast, might have a still animation where they tap their feet or swing their arms. A custom character could adopt this ability in addition to the ability to run fast.
  • You would be able to choose lines that your character could say from those that are already in the game, and you could also upload lines from files.
What do you think of my game idea? Do you have any other suggestions?


  1. Hi Drew,

    First let me say that I am not an avid gamer in the traditional sense. I grew up with an original Sega Master System and that was about it. My kids, however, love our original Wii and are also just beginning to get into the wide world of Lego. That said - I think your game idea is ambitious and quite frankly amazing. I would definitely play this game. I teach at a middle school and I know for a fact that your idea would appeal to a number of my students as well. I hope someone picks this up and makes it happen.

  2. I absolutely love this idea! You have an incredible ability to create and an equally incredible ability to describe your creation. Keep on dreaming - can’t wait to see what you dream up next!

    Jen N


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