The Majestic Tales Strike Back; Or, Apparently I'm Taking Requests Now

[As always, please turn off the weird auto-generated subtitles]

Hey, you remember a few months ago, when I single-handedly reinvented the concept of the music video? Well, a lot of people had unsolicited requests, so I guess I'm taking requests now, 'cause I got nothing better to do. So, now available exclusively on whatever website this is, I present... The Majestic Tales Strike Back!

First, I was asked to use a song by the brand Breaking Benjamin. I'm gonna be totally honest and admit I had never heard of them, so it's nice that I got the chance to discover them, and I will definitely use their music on my quest (I'm on a quest. It's a whole thing. Someday I'll tell you.) But what seemed like the best thing to use one of the couple of Breaking Benjamin songs that I've learned on was Star Wars. Now, I've been very hesitant to make Star Wars music videos because unlike its sister the MCU, almost every major Star Wars character has had major parts of their story told in the form of comic books and prose novels, making an exhaustive compilation of any one character's canon appearances nearly impossible... And I thought it was hard to do "The Majestic Tale (Of the World's Greatest Grandma)" without the scenes in Marvel's Ant-Man - Scott Lang: Small Time. But I think I've done a good job of finding a story that can be told more or less entirely using the live-action films and animated series.

Breaking Ben Kenobi

WARNING: "Breaking Ben Kenobi" contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi!!!!!!

Then, I was asked to make videos with clips from Ms. Marvel. I didn't really have an idea for a whole video built mainly on Ms. Marvel, so, at least until I get a brain wave, which you'll probably see following The Marvels*, we'll have to make do with two music videos built mainly around other MCU projects but including footage from Ms. Marvel.


A quick disclaimer before this next video: As you'll probably agree once you've seen the video, it definitely would've been better if it had used clips from the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law episode "Just Jen". But I, personally, was deeply hurt by that episode, and while I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater - you'll notice that I used a clip from Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, just not one from that episode - I still feel like I might suffocate every time I think about the biggest step backward for media representation of bisexuality since Willow Rosenberg turned "gay", and so until Marvel has either made up for this (three words: Theatrical. Runaways. Film.) or, more likely, filed for bankruptcy and sold all their IPs to either WB or Netflix, whichever comes first, I think it's best to put that episode in Simmons's box for now, along with Jonathan Majors, the in-Universe dates of Phase One movies, Carol Danvers's sexuality, people who refer to 616 as "Earth-616" because they apparently slept through all that drama with Copernicus... Oh wow, this thing's pretty full. You might want to get that checked out.

Marvel Studios Chapter Four: Gods, Monsters, and Queerbaiting

WARNING: "Marvel Studios Chapter Four: Gods, Monsters, and Queerbaiting" contains SPOILERS for She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3!!!!!!

So, I did it. I did musics. I'm exhausted. I guess... Leave more suggestions in the comments, maybe? Y'know, or not. But I don't really have anything else to do, so... *Shrugs* Bring 'em on. Or not.

In the meantime, take a look at my thoughts on the future of the MCU.

All video credit goes to Lucasfilm, Disney+, Cartoon Network, Disney XD, Marvel Studios, and/or ABC.
"I Will Not Bow" owned by Hollywood Records, Inc.
"Airplanes" owned by Atlantic Recording Corp.
"Immortals" owned by Disney Enterprises, Inc.

*This promise is not legally binding.


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