Star Wars: Resistance - My Preview

Star Wars Rebels went out with a bang earlier this year, and the trailer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ seventh season, while not confirmed to be the final season, has a definite air of finality. But fear not: we won’t have to wait til the December after next for any new Star Wars content: Sunday will see the premier of Star Wars: Resistance, a brand-new, anime-inspired animated Star Wars series.

Here is my description of some of the new factors coming into play in a galaxy far, far away:

Team Fireball
Kazuda “Kaz” Xiono
Kaz has been given a mission by Poe Dameron himself, and his actor, Christopher Sean, described him as “Good at flying but not good at spying.” Here’s hoping there’ll be plenty of time for both.
Jarek Yeager
Yeager was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic some thirty-ish years ago, and he’s done, but if the sequel trilogy has taught us anything, there’s no such thing as retirement in a galaxy far, far away.
Tam Ryvora
All female Star Wars characters introduced after 2014 are tough, no-nonsense, and have British accents, and Tam is no different.
Neeku Vozo
Neeku is the lovable oddball of the group and is described as a nikto.
A decrepit old droid “addled by outdated, glitched programming.”

Torra Doza
Torra Doza has a “childlike sense of wonder” and is the daughter of Captain Doza, whoever that is. She is energetic and has a competitive streak and a huge fluffy cat-looking pet… thing.
Hype Fazon
Hype Fazon is a Rodian (think Greedo) and one of the few Star Wars characters created solely around the actor who plays him, in this case, Donald Faison. He’s rather self-centered and has a lot of sponsors on his ship and uniform - think Chick Hicks - but he also cares about his fellow racers - stop thinking Chick Hicks.
Griff Halloran
Griff Halloran is a former imperial TIE fighter pilot (well, nobody’s perfect). He has his old gear that’s all fallen apart at this point - think Mi’no Teest - and has a heavily modded TIE fighter that looks rather similar to the TIE silencer. He’s the grumpy old guy who nobody wants to cross, but everyone has layers.
Freya Fenris
Freya Fenris looks rather similar to Duchess Satine in that she is tall and scrawny-ish. She is described as hyper-logical and wants to get the mission done, and if you can’t cut it on the team then she won’t give you the time of day.
Bo Keevil
Bo Keevil (I think) is a Kel Dor who is often pushing his modified ship to the limit and is an Evil Knievel-style daredevil.

The Colossus
A frontier town suspended above water as far as the eye can see, on the Outer Rim planet of Castilon.


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