Star Wars: Resistance - My Update

In my last blog post, I discussed the characters of the new Star Wars TV show, Star Wars Resistance. Since then, I’ve seen the first 3 episodes on Disney Now. Here is what I wrote compared to what I think now. Also, a new thing I’m trying is to give the closest comparison I can give from something else to the characters’ personalities.


Team Fireball
Kazuda “Kaz” Xiono
WHAT I WROTE: Kaz has been given a mission by Poe Dameron himself, and his actor, Christopher Sean, described him as “Good at flying but not good at spying.” Here’s hoping there’ll be plenty of time for both.
WHAT I THINK NOW: In a video on he was, as I wrote above, “good at flying but not good at spying.” He’s actually not really good at either.
CLOSEST COMPARISON: Ezra Bridger (Young)

Jarek Yeager
WHAT I WROTE: Yeager was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic some thirty-ish years ago, and he’s done, but if the sequel trilogy has taught us anything, there’s no such thing as retirement in a galaxy far, far away.
WHAT I THINK NOW: Yeager isn’t coming back into the action of good vs. evil as quickly as I thought he would, but he does have depth. Like Ezra before him, one of his prized possessions is a photo of the family he once had.

Tam Ryvora
WHAT I WROTE: All female Star Wars characters introduced after 2014 are tough, no-nonsense, and have British accents, and Tam is no different.
WHAT I THINK NOW: In a video, Tam was described as “she likes to keep her emotions to herself.” She is doing a really good job of it because so far the only emotion I’ve seen from her is anger.

Neeku Vozo
WHAT I WROTE: Neeku is the lovable oddball of the group and is described as a nikto.
WHAT I THINK NOW: Neeku isn’t quite as adventurous as he was hinted to be in a video, but he is more or less the endlessly cheerful weirdo that I expected him to be.
CLOSEST COMPARISON: Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle (2012)

WHAT I WROTE: A decrepit old droid “addled by outdated, glitched programming.”
WHAT I THINK NOW: I haven’t seen a lot of the “outdated, glitched programming” that supposedly addles Bucket, but he is certainly decrepit.

We haven’t really gotten to know the Aces, except for Torra, but I hold out hope.

Torra Doza
WHAT I WROTE: Torra Doza has a “childlike sense of wonder” and is the daughter of Captain Doza, whoever that is. She is energetic and has a competitive streak and a huge fluffy cat-looking pet… thing.
WHAT I THINK NOW: She’s as persistently cheerful and bouncy as I expected her to be, but we haven’t seen a lot of...well… anything from her, other than beating Kaz in a race in which Kaz was flying The Fireball which is…  not… that…  good of a ship.

In general, I am enjoying the show, though it’s been rather slow so far. I hope we get more story; again, it’s been really good so far, but it seems rather abstract for Star Wars.


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