Marvel SDCC Breakdown and Predictions

For the past weekend... SDCC (San Diego Comic-Con) happened. It's a four-day massive annual convention for pop culture fans of all shapes and sizes, be it sci-fi, horror, fantasy, books, movies, comics, TV, or videogames. And, Marvel outdid itself for like the ninth time in a row, offering new information on their next five movies their next three TV shows, so pretty much everything through April 2019, believe it or not. As a huge Marvel fan, I couldn't not write a blog post about that, even though I've already written like three blog posts this month. (Okay, you got me. one of them was just an intro, and a list, but it was a long list!)

First up, Marvel showed the 2nd trailer for Thor: Ragnarok, the 3rd and final film in Marvel's Thor trilogy. Thor will find himself stranded, his hammer, on the planet Sakaar, home of the Sakaarans from GOTG 1, pitted against the Hulk in the gladiator battle to end all gladiator battles. They will eventually team up and join forces with Lady Sif (who is dual-wielding now) and Loki to stop Hela, the goddess of death, from starting Ragnarok, the end of everything.

Thor: Ragnarok is out November 3.

Marvel also screened some panel-only footage of February 16, 2018's Black Panther. According to eyewitness accounts, the footage depicts Black Panther and some of his allies (no specific names are given, just "the gang") assisting Everett K. Ross, head of the Joint Counter Terrorist Center (you may or may not remember him from Civil War) in a casino stakeout.  Ulysses Klaue, the arms dealer from Age of Ultron, notices them and a scuffle breaks out.  Black Panther and team have the upper hand until Klaue's robotic arm turns into a laser cannon.  This is followed by an action montage of Black Panther.  They also debuted this new poster:

On May 4, 2018, Avengers Infinity War, the capstone of a decade's worth of storytelling, hits theaters, literally just two days after the tenth anniversary of that fateful day when Iron Man opened and began the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Marvel again showed the panel-only Infinity War trailer after having previously shown it at D23 Expo, a biannual Disney convention that took place earlier this month.  A poorly filmed bootleg (which I won't post here until the trailer gets officially released on the internet in November, copyright reasons) shows Thanos pulling stars out of the sky to obliterate entire solar systems.  Heroes shown in various states of peril include the Guardians (who have teamed up with Thor), Doctor Strange, Iron Man(who is wearing a very streamlined looking MK48), Steve Rogers (the superhero formerly known as Captain America, who has a beard now.  Yes, you read that right), Spider-Man (in a high-tech looking new suit), Vision (who lies in jail), Black Widow (who has gone blonde), and Loki (who has the Tesseract and appears to be giving it to someone else).  Thanos, without his armor, muses "Fun isn't really something one considers when re-balancing the universe...but this does put a smile on my face." Meanwhile, an Earth city lies on fire and in ruins, and as seen from space, our planet seems to have grown a nasty red spot.  Hopefully the Avengers can sort things out this May, and/or on May 3, 2019, when Infinity War's not-yet-titled sequel comes out.

Michelle Pieffer (whom my mother, who tells me this as I'm writing this article, loved in the infamous Grease 2) was confirmed to join the cast of July 6, 2018's sequel to Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, as the original Wasp, Janet van Dyne.  She ads to the list of actors who have been in both Marvel and DC movies, having played Catwoman in 1992's Batman Returns.  Also joining the story is Dr. Bill Foster.  In the comics, Foster is a scientist and an old friend of Hank Pym.  He eventually takes Hank Pym's Giant-Man abilities, becoming the superhero known as Goliath.  He ends up siding with Captain America's team in the Civil War (Yes, Civil War happened in the comics, too.  Twice.  [Long Story]), and was killed by Ragnarok, an evil clone of Thor.  In the MCU, Foster will be played by Laurence Fishburne (who also will now have been in both Marvel and DC, as he played Perry White in 2013's Man of Steel and it's 2016 sequel, Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice) and is described as someone who has worked with Hank Pym in the past.  Don't expect Foster to play a goliath (Get it? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge) role, but hopefully these characters will be given room to grow and not be killed off halfway through or anything...(grumble, grumble, Quicksilver, grumble, grumble).  Also, expect to see much Giant-Man...

Last but not least for the big screen, Marvel offered some details on March 9, 2019's Captain Marvel, the first solo female-led  film in the MCU.  The film will be set in the early 1990's and will feature the Skrulls as the main villains.  The Skrulls, in the comics, are a race of shape-shifting aliens.  I predict that the film may not be set on Earth, since, in the MCU, there had not been aliens on Earth since Viking times until 2011, and in 2010, Iron Man was the first Terran (for those unfamiliar, that's geek speak for Earthling) superhero since 1989.   Also, Nick Fury will appear, this time with two eyes, and you know Nick Fury...he totally could've been to space in the 90's and not told anyone.  I also think the film could possibly include the story of how Fury lost his may or may not remember a quote from Cap 2, "Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye." - Nick Fury.  So, it's possible that, in the film, he trusts someone who turns out to be a Skrull (again, shape-shifters), and they stab his eye out. They also revealed one exciting piece of concept art:

In TV news, Marvel released new trailers for their upcoming ABC series, Inhumans, and their upcoming Netflix series, The Defenders.  In addition, they screened some panel-only footage for another upcoming Netflix series, The Punisher, and renewed one of their existing Netflix series, Iron Fist, for a second season.  The final confirmation was that their upcoming Hulu series, Runaways, is in fact set in the MCU.

All in all, Marvel has definitely outdone itself at Comic-Con for like the ninth year in a row.  Next year will probably be insane.


  1. LOVE the Marvel movies but was never into the comics when younger, so this really helped me make some of the connections - thank you :)

  2. Alright, great artical for one. Next, the fact of it all is that Thanos is suppose to be the worst villain the "Avengers" have ever faced. (Though Ultron was pretty bad)... Anyhow, my speculation on the entire Infinity Wars is that someone is going to die. Who, I don't exactly know. It could be Cap (So that Bucky takes up the shield) or Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner is not to keen on playing Hawkeye anymore... I mean... He has a daughter...ECCC Panel reference.) I'm hoping Marvel buys Storm from the X-Men, because T'Challa needs his Queen. I also hope they pair the Winter Soldier and Black Widow, and add a kiss scene with them because they are the cutest Canon couple in the entire MCU.
    I'm also thinking it might be like a Warriors (By Erin Hunter) plotline. Cap and Tony hate each other, but have to team up to overcome this incredible evil...cough...Cap=FIRESTAR...cough. So basically that's my speculation. What do you think?

    1. First of all, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Second of all, it's cool to see a comment from someone with obscure knowledge like the fact that Black Widow and Winter Soldier are a couple in the comics. Third of all, I agree that Steve Rogers and/or Tony Stark may or may not be killed off, though I don’t think Marvel would have the heart to kill Hawkeye, what with him having a family, and I think there may be a similar ending to the comics’ Infinity Guantlet storyline, where Nebula takes the Infinity Guantlet and sacrifices herself to defeat Thanos and make him not have the Infinity Guantlet. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bucky or Falcon take on the mantle of Captain America, or Rhodey take on the mantle of Iron Man, or maybe even introduce a live action version of Riri Williams. Fourth of all, it would be cool to see Black Widow and Bucky become a couple, but after Natasha’s storyline in AoU, it might feel like her arc is becoming a bit too much of a romantic drama. (If you want a superhero love story, Marvel is making a show about Cloak and Dagger for Freeform that you might want to check out.) And finally, who's Firestar?

    2. Firestar is a charracter in a book series, forget I mentioned it. XD
      I'm wishing that they bring in Kate Bishop, Hawkeyes trainee, and bring in his family history. Like How his father was abusive, and his brother is off in the world, and that Clinty is actually 80% deaf. I wish that they make a Hawkeye and Black Widow movie. Their history is so confusing. Black Widow was trained in the Red Room, which is a female branch of Hydra. Rumor has it they might buy Deadpool.
      Anyhow, what would you like to see happen?

    3. A) I didn't know Clint was deaf, that's cool.
      B) It would be cool to see Kate Bishop, maybe Barton's daughter (forget her name) could grow up to be a version of Hawkeye inspired by her.
      C) The Red Room doesn't actually have to do with Hydra, but like most Soviet and US organizations, it was subtly manipulated by them over the period of the late forties through 2014.
      D) Unfortunately, Fox is too smart to sell Deadpool back to Marvel, at least until we see how Deadpool 2 and 3 do.


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