Spider-Man:Homecoming Movie Review

I loved the new Spider-Man movie.  

It’s, like, seriously my new favorite Marvel movie.  Yes, you read that right.  (Unless you read bofushell gongagong...that would be incorrect.)

The references to the larger MCU universe are perfect: from a boring educational video staring Cap (Captain America, that is), to a boring history class lecture on the Sokovia Accords, to “vibranium” being one of the answers on the pre-Academic Decathalon quiz.

Also, there are some fun references to the comics.  For example, the whole Academic Decathalon team is made up of minor supporting characters from the comics.  They’re hilarious without making the movie feel unable to stand on its own.  It’s so different to anything Marvel has done before.  I mean, once you see the trailer it becomes a very predictable movie, but it’s a great movie nonetheless.

Also, I thought the Vulture was well done and feels actually like he has a realistic motivation unlike any other MCU movie villain.

Also, I think everyone who says Robert Downey, Jr. is getting tired of playing Tony Stark is missing the whole point.  Tony Stark is tired of being Iron Man.  So obviously his character is portrayed differently but it fits how his character arc in Civil War ended.

Also, not to mention, Spidey himself was awesome.  I just love this idea of a Spider-Man who thinks it’s so cool every time he puts on his costume.

Conclusion:  Go.  See it.  Now.


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