Why Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Should Go On as Long as Possible

Background info:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a TV show that shares continuity with the Marvel movies. It is about the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division which is an organization that deals with superheroes and/pr the catastrophes they accidentally cause. It's supposed to be about the real, non-superhero, humans who live in that universe. I mean, seasons 2 and 3 were about aliens, and season 4 was about robots, alternate realities, and flaming skeletons in motorcycle jackets, but it still somehow managed to feel very grounded and realistic.

The following is a very over-edited transcript of a conversation my mom and I had yesterday.

For the first time since the show started, in 2013, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. won’t have a panel  at San Diego Comicon this year. (It's starting soon so there's this big news buzz.). And so that leaves many people, including myself, thinking that it might be the last season (the one that’s starting in January, season 5).  And that would be disappointing, because I feel like that’s the only show in the MCU that is firmly connected to the MCU but is also firmly ground level.  

Mom:  What is ground level?

Like, not uber-connected to the superheroes and everything.  It’s just that they feel like real people. Not that superheroes don’t feel like real people but, you know, they’re superheroes.

Mom:  And why do we need that?

Because after Infinity War, we’re not going to quite know what’s the perspective.  If anything, bring back WHIH Newsfront .

Mom:  Which is what?

It’s this little web series they did as part of a promotional campaign for Ant-Man and Civil War.  It’s a fake news campaign set in the MCU.  It was funny.

Mom:  So you would like to know what the impact of Infinity War is going to be on people.

Yeah.  Spider-Man 2  is coming out 2 months after Avengers 4, but there will just be two more Spider-Man movies and that’s it.  First of all. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D...every season is 22 episodes and then each episode is like an hour long, so it would be like almost a full day to do a marathon. Plus the, Spidey series can’t go on forever.  Because there’s just going to be two more movie and, don’t ask me why, but Marvel refuses to make more than 3 movies for any of their serieses.

Anyway, Agent Carter (another show in the MCU)...well, most importantly, it’s not on anymore,  2nd of all, it’s in the 40's, so whatever happens in any of the upcoming movies won’t affect it.  Again, talking as if it’s still on!  

But, anyway, Inhumans (another show in the MCU) is coming on and not only is that not ground level (part of it is set on the moon), but also, the word isolated is in the show description!  I didn’t even watch the trailer (and no, I didn’t watch the trailer and I could be totally wrong, I guess) but, like, isolated, is in the first season plot description! Literally!  

The Netflix MCU shows are very ground level, but they’re not very firmly connected to the MCU. There are no guest stars or anything. It’s just like they’re shows that happen to have offhand mentions of “Oh, ever since NY blew up..,”  that kind of stuff.  

So, after Infinity War, where the whole universe gets literally like turned inside out and back again, what are we gonna do?  Huh?  


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